Customised agronomy packages

Black Earth Agronomists can bring together a package of services tailored to suit your particular business and agronomy ambitions with both broadacre and horticulture systems.

Independent Advice

Black Earth is an agronomy company independent of chemical and product sales. This enables us to provide quality unconstrained advice free from distractions such as sales targets.

Wealth of experience

Black Earth Agronomy has been in operation as an independent agronomy service on the Darling Downs for over 40 years

Capacity in both broadacre and horticulture cropping:

Black Earth has experience in a variety of broadacre crops including Cotton, Sorghum, Corn, Soybean, Mungbean, Chickpea, Sunflower, Wheat and Barley. Within horticulture, we have advised on crops including Sweat Corn, Green Beans, Broccoli, Capsicum and many others.

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